Using 80% trichloroacetic acid in the treatment of ingrown toenails.

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Using 80% trichloroacetic acid in the treatment of ingrown toenails.

An Bras Dermatol. 2013 Nov-Dec;88(6):889-93

Authors: Barreiros H, Matos D, Goulão J, Serrano P, João A, Brandão FM

BACKGROUND: Ingrown nails are a very common problem. There are different stages of disease and diverse therapeutic options. Phenol and sodium hydroxide are commonly used agents for chemical matricectomy but both frequently entail excessive healing times.
OBJECTIVE: This prospective study aimed mainly to evaluate the efficacy of partial nail avulsion and selective chemical cauterization of the matrix using 80% TCA in the treatment of the ingrowing nail.
METHODS: One-hundred-and-thirty-three patients with 197 ingrown toenails were included in this study. Preoperatively, we tried to find predisposing factors to the disease. In the postoperative period, patients were evaluated for potential complications at days 3, 30, 180, 270 and 360. Pain was measured before surgery, as well as 24 hours and 72 hours after surgery.
RESULTS: There were only 3 cases (out of 197) of ingrown nail recurrence. Preoperatively, we found the presence of drainage in 82% of patients, which, following the first visit after surgery, was reduced to 19%. Persistent granulation tissue was found in 3% of the patients (versus 75% prior to surgery). The most frequent predisposing factors for the ingrown nail were excessive trimming of the lateral nail plate (63%), plantar hyperhidrosis (58%) and heavy nail folds (39%). Pain was substantially reduced after surgery.
CONCLUSION: It is assumed that chemical procedures for the ingrown toenail are associated with delayed healing times but our results demonstrated quick recovery. Using 80% TCA for selective matricectomy in the ingrown toenail is an effective, quick and easy method.

PMID: 24474095 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

CT-assisted sympathicolysis as an additional minimally invasive therapeutic option in primary focal plantar hyperhidrosis.

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CT-assisted sympathicolysis as an additional minimally invasive therapeutic option in primary focal plantar hyperhidrosis.

Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2014 Dec;37(6):1554-8

Authors: Scheer F, Wiggermann P, Kamusella P, Wissgott C, Andresen R

PURPOSE: The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate the benefit of lumbar computed tomography-assisted sympathicolysis (CTSy) in patients with primary focal hyperhidrosis of the feet.
METHODS: A lumbar CTSy was conducted on 35 patients (mean age 36.6 ± 11.9 years) with primary focal hyperhidrosis of the feet, who experienced persistent symptoms after all conservative treatment options had been exhausted. The patients evaluated the severity of their symptoms before the intervention, 2 days after the intervention, and 6 and 12 months after the intervention on the basis of a Dermatology Quality of Life Index(©) (DLQI) and side effects experienced.
RESULTS: The interventions performed led to a statistically significant decrease in the preinterventional severity of symptoms 2 days after the intervention, and 6 and 12 months after CTSy (p < 0.05). No major complications occurred. As the most common side effect, 12 of the patients reported compensatory sweating.
CONCLUSIONS: After conservative measures have been exhausted or as a complement to the existing therapy regimen, CT-assisted sympathicolysis represents a therapeutic option low in side effects that provides a marked benefit to patients with primary, focal hyperhidrosis.

PMID: 24430535 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

[Irreversible Horner’s syndrome after bilateral thoracoscopic sympathectomy].

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[Irreversible Horner’s syndrome after bilateral thoracoscopic sympathectomy].

Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol. 2014 Feb;89(2):79-81

Authors: Vicente P, Canelles E, Díaz A, Fons A

CASE REPORT: A 19 year-old boy who developed a right Horner’s syndrome after a bilateral sympathectomy as a treatment for palmoplantar hyperhidrosis.
DISCUSSION: Horner’s syndrome is defined by the occurrence of miosis, ptosis and enophthalmos as a result of involvement of sympathetic innervation. This is quite rare, but identification is very important because it may also be an ominous sign secondary to a neoplasm, neurological diseases, or surgery of the sympathetic chain, as in our case.

PMID: 24269401 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Epidemiological study and considerations of primary focal hyperhidrosis in Japan: from questionnaire analysis.

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Epidemiological study and considerations of primary focal hyperhidrosis in Japan: from questionnaire analysis.

J Dermatol. 2013 Nov;40(11):886-90

Authors: Fujimoto T, Kawahara K, Yokozeki H

Primary hyperhidrosis is a disorder of excessive, bilateral and relatively symmetrical sweating occurring in the palms, soles and axillae regions without obvious etiology. There have been some reports of the epidemiology of primary hyperhidrosis abroad so far, but there has never been any research performed in Japan. We performed a questionnaire survey for people aged 5-64 years who agreed with the purpose of this study at 20 companies or schools, and received 5807 valid responses. From this survey, each prevalence could broken down into 5.33% for primary palm hyperhidrosis, 2.79% for primary plantar hyperhidrosis, 5.75% for primary axillae hyperhidrosis and 4.7% for primary head hyperhidrosis. Patients with severe symptoms were estimated to be approximately 616,000 for primary palmar hyperhidrosis and 2,239,000 for primary axillae hyperhidrosis in Japan. These findings reveal that many patients feel a decreased quality of life because of symptoms of hyperhidrosis every day. However, only 6.2% of the patients had visited medical institutions. Moreover, few patients take appropriate treatment even after visiting the hospital.

PMID: 24106874 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Severe plantar hyperhidrosis: an effective surgical solution.

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Severe plantar hyperhidrosis: an effective surgical solution.

Am Surg. 2013 Aug;79(8):845-53

Authors: Reisfeld R, Pasternack GA, Daniels PD, Basseri E, Nishi GK, Berliner KI

Severe palmoplantar hyperhidrosis both affects activities of daily living and diminishes quality of life. This study evaluated overall safety and efficacy of endoscopic lumbar sympathectomy (ELS) using a clamping method in a large series of consecutive patients. Patient data were routinely entered into a prospectively designed database. Plantar sweating was graded as cured, improved, or unchanged. ELS (using 5-mm titanium clips) was performed in 154 patients, 68.2 per cent at the third lumbar vertebrae and 31.8 per cent at the fourth lumbar vertebrae. Follow-up averaged 15 months and ranged up to 4.7 years. Anhidrosis was achieved in 97.4 per cent of patients with the remainder reporting major reduction in symptoms. All patients were discharged home within 24 hours of surgery, requiring only oral analgesics, if any. There were two surgical complications (lymphatic leak and misidentification of genitofemoral nerve for sympathetic nerve). Six early patients required conversion to an open surgical procedure. Partial recurrence, usually mild, occurred in 4.5 per cent with 2.6 per cent requiring revision surgery. Severe plantar hyperhidrosis can be safely and effectively treated by endoscopic lumbar sympathectomy using the clamping method. It can be accomplished on an outpatient basis with low morbidity, complete resolution of symptoms, and a significant improvement in quality of life.

PMID: 23896256 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

A novel approach to the lumbar sympathetic chain: lateral access.

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A novel approach to the lumbar sympathetic chain: lateral access.

Neurosurg Focus. 2013 Jul;35(2 Suppl):Video 12

Authors: Rodgers SD, Engler JA, Perin NL

Plantar hyperhydrosis is a disabling condition of excessive, symmetric, focal sweating of the feet with social, psychological, and medical implications. Treatment options include topical agents, iontophoresis, botulinum toxin injection, and surgical disruption of the lumbar sympathetic chain. Surgical corridors include transperitoneal and retroperitoneal approaches. We report our technique with a novel minimally invasive lateral retroperitoneal approach commonly used for lateral interbody fusions. The lateral approach for sectioning of the sympathetic chain in the treatment of hyperhydrosis appears safe. The approach may be advantageous for the patient and surgeons familiar with lateral interbody fusion. Further studies may elucidate the long term efficacy and safety of the lateral approach. The video can be found here:

PMID: 23829842 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Long-term results of thoracic sympathectomy for primary hyperhidrosis.

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Long-term results of thoracic sympathectomy for primary hyperhidrosis.

Pol Przegl Chir. 2013 May;85(5):247-52

Authors: Stefaniak TJ, Ćwigoń M

UNLABELLED: The side effects following thoracic sympathectomy for primary hyperhidrosis include pain and compensatory/ reflex sweating. The aim of the study was the evaluation of the results of the endoscopic sympathicotomy with clips with emphasis on the frequency of side effects following the operation.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: Two-hundred-eighty-three patients were qualified to thoracic T3-T4 sympathicotomy with clips. In all cases bilateral procedure in prone position with CO2 insufflation was performed. The subjective intensity of disease was evaluated by VAS scale (0–no sweating; 10–maximal possible sweating) while the recurrence of the sweating in primary localization, intensity and dynamics of compensatory and plantar sweating were evaluated post-operatively. Follow-up data were obtained during office visits 3, 12 and 36 months after surgery. The overall follow-up response was 74.6%.
RESULTS: There was no mortality. Perioperative morbidity included 6 cases of pneumothorax. The mean duration of surgery was 57 minutes bilaterally. The postoperative intercostal pain was present in all patients (100%) with mean duration of 21.88 days but in 72.6% of cases it did not demand any medication as early as 48 hours after surgery. Strong or very strong compensatory sweating was observed in 17.5% of cases 3 months after ETS, in 14.1% after 12 months and in 23.6% after 36 months.
CONCLUSIONS: Thoracic sympathicotomy with clips is a safe treatment that provides satisfactory longterm results. The incidence of side-effects (intercostal pain, compensatory sweating) is high and does not change with time in most of the cases.

PMID: 23770524 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Gravimetry in sweating assessment in primary hyperhidrosis and healthy individuals.

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Gravimetry in sweating assessment in primary hyperhidrosis and healthy individuals.

Clin Auton Res. 2013 Aug;23(4):197-200

Authors: Stefaniak TJ, Proczko M

OBJECTIVE: Though hyperhidrosis is generally considered a subjectively perceived disease, it seems more and more doubtful that merely subjective evaluation is sufficient to qualify the patient to surgery. The aim of this study was to develop further gravimetry as a method of evaluation of sweating intensity and determination of the applicability of it in post-operative follow-up of primary hyperhidrosis (PHH) patients.
METHODS: Total of 1,485 gravimetry assays has been performed in 343 patients treated for hyperhidrosis and in 220 healthy volunteers. In all of the subjects the measurements were taken from four localizations (face, hands, armpits and trunk) and normalized by body surface of the participant. The measurements were taken twice for every participant to obtain test-retest correlations. Mean values and standard deviations (SD) have been evaluated and on that basis reference values were quantified. Thresholds for diagnosis of hyperhidrosis were quantified on the basis of normal distribution theory as healthy population mean +2 SD.
RESULTS: In healthy volunteers, mean value of gravimetrically evaluated intensity of sweating were: facial: 19.15 ± 14.97 mg/min/m(2), palmar: 18.49 ± 14.06 mg/min/m(2), axillary: 42.39 ± 47.08 mg/min/m(2) and plantar: 15.77 ± 16.87 mg/min/m(2). Thresholds for diagnosis of hyperhidrosis were quantified, respectively as: 49, 46, 136 and 50 mg/min/m(2). The overall test-retest correlation was 0.71.
INTERPRETATION: Gravimetry is easy, reproducible and fast method of evaluation of sweating. The reference values are stable and can serve as a qualifying and follow-up tool for evaluation of the patients with PHH in any localization.

PMID: 23761115 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Objective evaluation of plantar hyperhidrosis after sympathectomy.

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Objective evaluation of plantar hyperhidrosis after sympathectomy.

Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2013;68(3):311-5

Authors: Wolosker N, Ishy A, Yazbek G, Campos JR, Kauffman P, Puech-Leão P, Jatene FB

OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to prospectively, randomly, blindly, and objectively investigate how surgery affects plantar sudoresis in patients with palmar and plantar hyperhidrosis over a one-year period using a sudorometer (VapoMeter).
METHODS: From February 2007 to May 2009, 40 consecutive patients with combined palmar hyperhidrosis and plantar hyperhidrosis underwent video-assisted thoracic sympathectomy at the T3 or T4 ganglion level (15 women and 25 men, with a mean age of 25 years).
RESULTS: Immediately after the operation and during the one-year follow-up, all of the patients were free from palmar hyperhidrosis episodes. Compensatory hyperhidrosis of varying degrees was observed in 35 (87.5%) patients after one year. Only two (2.5%) patients suffered from severe compensatory hyperhidrosis. There was a large initial improvement in plantar hyperhidrosis in 46.25% of the cases, followed by a progressive regression of that improvement, such that only 30% continued to show this improvement after one year. The proportion of patients whose condition worsened increased progressively (from 21.25% to 47.50%), and the proportion of stable patients decreased (32.5% to 22.50%). This was not related to resection level; however, a lower intensity of plantar hyperhidrosis prior to sympathectomy correlated with worse evolution.
CONCLUSION: Patients with palmar hyperhidrosis and plantar hyperhidrosis who underwent video-assisted thoracic sympathectomy to treat their palmar hyperhidrosis exhibited good initial improvement in plantar hyperhidrosis, which then decreased to lesser degrees of improvement over a one-year period following the surgery. For this reason, video-assisted thoracic sympathectomy should not be performed when only plantar hyperhidrosis is present.

PMID: 23644849 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Use of oxybutynin for treating plantar hyperhidrosis.

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Use of oxybutynin for treating plantar hyperhidrosis.

Int J Dermatol. 2013 May;52(5):620-3

Authors: Wolosker N, de Campos JR, Kauffman P, Yazbek G, Neves S, Puech-Leao P

BACKGROUND: To evaluate the effectiveness and patient satisfaction with the use of oxybutynin at low doses for treating plantar hyperhidrosis.
METHODS: From January 2007 to December 2010, 35 consecutive patients with plantar hyperhidrosis were treated with oxybutynin. Data were collected from 30 patients (five patients were lost to follow-up). During the first week, patients received 2.5 mg of oxybutynin once a day, 2.5 mg twice a day from the eighth to the 42nd day, and from the 43rd day to the end of the 12th week, 5 mg twice a day. All of the patients underwent two evaluations: before and after the oxybutynin treatment, using a clinical questionnaire, and a clinical protocol for quality of life.
RESULTS: More than 70% of patients experienced an improvement in plantar hyperhidrosis. Most of the patients showed improvements in quality of life (66.6%). The side effects were minor, the most frequent being dry mouth (76.7%).
CONCLUSION: Treatment of plantar hyperhidrosis with oxybutynin presents good results and improves quality of life. We believe that this therapeutic alternative is an excellent choice for the initial treatment of plantar hyperhidrosis.

PMID: 23590378 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]