Retroperitoneoscopic lumbar sympathectomy for plantar hyperhidrosis.

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Retroperitoneoscopic lumbar sympathectomy for plantar hyperhidrosis.

J Vasc Surg. 2017 12;66(6):1806-1813

Authors: Lima SO, de Santana VR, Valido DP, de Andrade RLB, Fontes LM, Leite VHO, Neto JM, Santos JM, Varjão LL, Reis FP

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to assess the reduction in quality of life (QoL) caused by the persistence of primary plantar hyperhidrosis (PPH) symptoms and the level of satisfaction in PPH patients after retroperitoneoscopic lumbar sympathectomy (RLS). The efficacy, safety, and procedure of bilateral RLS in both sexes are also described in this study.
METHODS: This is a longitudinal study of consecutive patients who sought specific treatment from a private practitioner for severe PPH as classified on the Hyperhidrosis Disease Severity Scale (HDSS) from October 2005 to October 2014. The patients were asked to report the symptoms of PPH experienced in the immediate preoperative period and to complete a standardized QoL questionnaire developed by de Campos at least 12 months after RLS. Disease outcomes, recurrence of symptoms, and any adverse effects of surgery were evaluated after 30 days and at least 12 months after RLS.
RESULTS: Lumbar sympathectomy was performed 116 times in 58 patients; 30 days after surgery, PPH was resolved in all patients. Three patients (5.2%) reported transient thigh neuralgia, and 19 (32.7%) reported transient paresthesia in the lower limbs. There were no reports of retrograde ejaculation. At a minimum of 12 months after RLS, 49 of the 58 patients had fully and correctly answered the follow-up questionnaire and noted a mild (HDSS 2) to moderate (HDSS 3) increase in pre-existing compensatory sweating. One patient had a PPH relapse within 6 months. Improvement in QoL due to the resolution of PPH was reported in 98% of the 49 patients. None of the operations necessitated a change in the laparotomy approach, and none of the patients died.
CONCLUSIONS: RLS is safe and effective for the treatment of severe PPH in both sexes. There were no reports of retrograde ejaculation after resection of L3 and L4 ganglia. There was a mild to moderate increase in compensatory sweating in about half of the patients, but without any regret or dissatisfaction for having undergone the surgery because of a significant improvement in QoL.

PMID: 29169540 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Epidemiologic analysis of prevalence of the hyperhidrosis.

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Epidemiologic analysis of prevalence of the hyperhidrosis.

An Bras Dermatol. 2017 Sep-Oct;92(5):630-634

Authors: Estevan FA, Wolosker MB, Wolosker N, Puech-Leão P

BACKGROUND: The present paper aims to study the prevalence of the various manifestations of hyperhidrosis in patients who sought treatment in a specialized ambulatory in the state of São Paulo.
OBJECTIVES: Opposite to previous studies, this paper studies the different combinations of sweating sites, not being restricted to the main complaint site of the patients, but taking into consideration secondary complaints patients may present.
METHODS: This was a retrospective approach of a database containing more than 1200 patients in which were mapped: combination of sweating sites, age of onset, age spectrum, mean age, body mass index and gender of patients. Patients were categorized into four groups based on their main sweating site – palmar, plantar, axillary and facial.
RESULTS: We concluded that hyperhidrosis appears frequently in more than one site, being the main complaint that affects the most patients palmar hyperhidrosis, which appears early in the patients during adolescence. When there are two sites of sweating, the most frequent combination is palmar + plantar, and when there are three sites of sweating the most frequent combinations are palmar + plantar + axillary and axillary + palmar + plantar.
STUDY LIMITATIONS: This research has casuistics limited to a single care service for patients with hyperhidrosis.
CONCLUSION: It is necessary to keep in mind that the disease manifests itself mainly in more than one location, with different intensities in each of the patients, generating a significant impairment of their quality of life.

PMID: 29166497 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Pitted keratolysis – a study of various clinical manifestations.

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Pitted keratolysis – a study of various clinical manifestations.

Int J Dermatol. 2017 Nov;56(11):1154-1160

Authors: Makhecha M, Dass S, Singh T, Gandhi R, Yadav T, Rathod D

BACKGROUND: Pitted keratolysis (PK) is a common bacterial infection of skin characterized by noninflammatory superficial pits. Very few studies have focused on variations in clinical manifestations of PK. We conducted this study so that diagnosis of this treatable condition is not missed when it presents in an uncommonly perceived way.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Assessment of PK patients for various sites and morphologies.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 30 patients with PK were assessed for various sites and morphologies. Bacterial and fungal cultures along with histopathology were performed.
RESULTS: Of 30 patients, 24 were females. Hyperhidrosis and malodour were the most common symptoms. Interdigital interface skin of the toes was the first site affected in most patients. Plantar skin was affected in all patients with involvement of interface skin of the toes in 29 patients. Other sites affected were palms, finger web spaces, nonglabrous skin, paronychium, and nail. Other than classical pits, scaly crusted inflammatory lesions with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) were noted. Associated keratoderma was also reported in some patients.
DISCUSSION: The presence of hyperhidrosis, malodour, and plantar lesions is consistent with previous studies. Interface skin between toes as the first site affected, involvement of toe web spaces, and associated keratoderma have been reported rarely. However, female preponderance, involvement of finger web spaces, nonglabrous skin, paronychium, nail changes, the presence of inflammation with crusting, and PIH have never been reported previously.
CONCLUSION: PK can involve web spaces, nonglabrous skin, and paronychium, and can cause nail changes. The lesions can be inflammatory with crusting and PIH.

PMID: 28924971 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Recovery of sympathetic nerve function after lumbar sympathectomy is slower in the hind limbs than in the torso.

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Recovery of sympathetic nerve function after lumbar sympathectomy is slower in the hind limbs than in the torso.

Neural Regen Res. 2017 Jul;12(7):1177-1185

Authors: Zheng ZF, Liu YS, Min X, Tang JB, Liu HW, Cheng B

Local sympathetic denervation by surgical sympathectomy is used in the treatment of lower limb ulcers and ischemia, but the restoration of cutaneous sympathetic nerve functions is less clear. This study aims to explore the recovery of cutaneous sympathetic functions after bilateral L2-4 sympathectomy. The skin temperature of the left feet, using a point monitoring thermometer, increased intraoperatively after sympathectomy. The cytoplasm of sympathetic neurons contained tyrosine hydroxylase and dopamine β-hydroxylase, visualized by immunofluorescence, indicated the accuracy of sympathectomy. Iodine starch test results suggested that the sweating function of the hind feet plantar skin decreased 2 and 7 weeks after lumbar sympathectomy but had recovered by 3 months. Immunofluorescence and western blot assay results revealed that norepinephrine and dopamine β-hydroxylase expression in the skin from the sacrococcygeal region and hind feet decreased in the sympathectomized group at 2 weeks. Transmission electron microscopy results showed that perinuclear space and axon demyelination in sympathetic cells in the L5 sympathetic trunks were found in the sympathectomized group 3 months after sympathectomy. Although sympathetic denervation occurred in the sacrococcygeal region and hind feet skin 2 weeks after lumbar sympathectomy, the skin functions recovered gradually over 7 weeks to 3 months. In conclusion, sympathetic functional recovery may account for the recurrence of hyperhidrosis after sympathectomy and the normalization of sympathetic nerve trunks after incomplete injury. The recovery of sympathetic nerve function was slower in the limbs than in the torso after bilateral L2-4 sympathectomy.

PMID: 28852403 [PubMed]

Keratin 17 Mutations in Four Families from India with Pachyonychia Congenita.

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Keratin 17 Mutations in Four Families from India with Pachyonychia Congenita.

Indian J Dermatol. 2017 Jul-Aug;62(4):422-426

Authors: Agarwala M, Salphale P, Peter D, Wilson NJ, Pulimood S, Schwartz ME, Smith FJD

Pachyonychia congenita (PC) is a rare autosomal dominant genetic skin disorder due to a mutation in any one of the five keratin genes, KRT6A, KRT6B, KRT6C, KRT16, or KRT17. The main features are palmoplantar keratoderma, plantar pain, and nail dystrophy. Cysts of various types, follicular hyperkeratosis, oral leukokeratosis, hyperhidrosis, and natal teeth may also be present. Four unrelated Indian families presented with a clinical diagnosis of PC. This was confirmed by genetic testing; mutations in KRT17 were identified in all affected individuals.

PMID: 28794556 [PubMed]

Acquired Ulcero-Mutilating Bilateral Acro-Osteopathy (Bureau-Barrière Syndrome).

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Acquired Ulcero-Mutilating Bilateral Acro-Osteopathy (Bureau-Barrière Syndrome).

Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2017 Jul 25;5(4):558-560

Authors: Tchernev G, Mangarov H, Lozev I, Pidakev I, Lotti T, Wollina U, Gianfaldoni S, Semkova K, Lotti J, França K, Batashki A

We present a 35-year-old male patient with Bureau-Barrière syndrome. Bureau-Barrière syndrome is an ulcero-mutilating acropathy almost invariably associated with excessive alcohol intake. It presents with a triad of trophic skin changes with recurrent ulcerations, bone lesions and nerve damage. The clinical presentation includes chronic painless plantar ulcerations with periulcerous hyperkeratosis, hyperhidrosis, livedoid skin colour, nail dystrophy, widening and infiltration of the toes and common interdigital mycoses. Other non-specific skin changes related to the alcohol consumption are commonly observed as well. The condition affects mainly middle-aged men suffering from alcoholism. Often a bilateral location at the lower limb of male alcoholics has been described, as in our patient. Successful treatment of the Bureau-Barrière syndrome requires an interdisciplinary approach. Cessation of alcohol intake and smoking is of paramount importance.

PMID: 28785364 [PubMed]

Sequential Extended Thoracoscopic Sympathicotomy for Palmo-Axillo-Plantar Hyperhidrosis.

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Sequential Extended Thoracoscopic Sympathicotomy for Palmo-Axillo-Plantar Hyperhidrosis.

Ann Thorac Surg. 2017 Oct;104(4):1200-1207

Authors: Elalfy K, Emile S, Elfeki H, Elmetwally A, Farag M, Gado W

BACKGROUND: Palmo-axillo-plantar hyperhidrosis (HH) exists in approximately 70% to 100% of patients complaining of HH. Many studies have documented variable effects of thoracoscopic sympathicotomy (TS) on plantar sweating. The present trial evaluated sequential extended thoracoscopic sympathicotomy for the treatment of palmo-axillo-plantar HH regarding its feasibility and outcome on each domain of HH, particularly the plantar domain METHODS: Forty-two patients with severe palmo-axillo-plantar HH underwent sequential extended (T3 to T12) thoracoscopic sympathicotomy. Improvement in HH was assessed using visual analog scale and iodine-starch test, and quality of life was evaluated using the Keller quality of life questionnaire preoperatively and 2 years postoperatively.
RESULTS: Included were 16 men and 26 women with a mean age of 24.3 ± 5.3 years. The average preoperative VAS for the palmar, axillary, and plantar HH was 9 ± 0.66, which declined significantly (p < 0.0001) at 24 months of follow-up to a mean of 0.74 ± 0.4 for the palmar and axillary domains and to 1.26 ± 0.7 for plantar HH. Improvement in quality of life was observed in all patients at 24 months of follow-up as the overall median score decreased from 120.5 to 3.5.
CONCLUSIONS: Sequential extended thoracoscopic sympathicotomy proved to be an effective method for the treatment of combined HH because it achieved satisfactory and sustained improvement of palmar, axillary, and plantar sweating. Although the benefits of sequential extended thoracoscopic sympathicotomy outweigh its drawbacks and technical difficulties, further prospective studies are required to ascertain the effectiveness of this new technique.

PMID: 28728907 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Tap water iontophoresis in the treatment of pediatric hyperhidrosis.

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Tap water iontophoresis in the treatment of pediatric hyperhidrosis.

J Pediatr Surg. 2017 Feb;52(2):309-312

Authors: Dagash H, McCaffrey S, Mellor K, Roycroft A, Helbling I

AIM OF THE STUDY: The treatment options for localized hyperhidrosis include antiperspirants, anticholinergics, iontophoresis, botulinum toxin and surgery. Tap water iontophoresis (TWI) involves immersing the affected area in tap water and passing a small electrical current through the area. Our aim was to assess the success of this therapy in a pediatric cohort.
METHODS: Retrospective case note review of all patients younger than 18years who underwent TWI between 2002 and 2015. Demographic data, number of treatment sessions, side effects and overall success were analyzed. Individuals undergo 7 treatments over 4weeks. A positive outcome was determined as an improvement in symptoms. Pre- and posttreatment hyperhidrosis disease severity scale (HDSS) was measured. Data are presented as mean (range). Statistical analysis was by paired t-test. A P value of <0.05 was regarded as significant.
RESULTS: There were 43 patients (30 females) with a mean age of 15 (8-17) years. Palmar and/or plantar hyperhidrosis (PPH) was present in 39/43 (91%) patients. Axillary hyperhidrosis (AH) was present in 19/43 (44%) patients. All patients (with the exception of one) underwent 7 sessions (5-7). Side effects included paresthesia (88%), pruritus (26%), pain (26%), erythema (14%), dryness (12%) as well as vesicle formation and abrasions in one patient (2%). A positive outcome was found in 84% (36/43) of patients. There was a significant reduction in mean HDSS (pre 3.5 vs. post 2; P=0.0001).
CONCLUSION: TWI is a safe and effective modality of treatment for both PPH and AH in the pediatric population, with minimal side effects. Pediatric surgeons should offer this treatment option before considering more invasive surgical procedures.
LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: IV: Retrospective study.

PMID: 27912978 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Management of Plantar Hyperhidrosis with Endoscopic Lumbar Sympathectomy.

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Management of Plantar Hyperhidrosis with Endoscopic Lumbar Sympathectomy.

Thorac Surg Clin. 2016 Nov;26(4):465-469

Authors: Rieger R

Primary plantar hyperhidrosis is defined as excessive secretion of the sweat glands of the feet and may lead to significant limitations in private and professional lifestyle and reduction of health-related quality of life. Conservative therapy measures usually fail to provide sufficient relieve of symptoms and do not allow long-lasting elimination of hyperhidrosis. Endoscopic lumbar sympathectomy appears to be a safe and effective procedure for eliminating excessive sweating of the feet and improves quality of life of patients with severe plantar hyperhidrosis.

PMID: 27692206 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Outcome of Limited Video-Assisted Lumbar Sympathetic Block for Plantar Hyperhidrosis Using Clipping Method.

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Outcome of Limited Video-Assisted Lumbar Sympathetic Block for Plantar Hyperhidrosis Using Clipping Method.

J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2017 Jan;27(1):36-42

Authors: Yun SW, Kim YS, Lee Y, Lim HJ, Park SI, Jung JP, Park CR

BACKGROUND: There are many ways to treat focal hyperhidrosis, including surgeries for palmar and axillary hyperhidrosis. However, doctors and patients tend to be reluctant to perform surgery for plantar hyperhidrosis due to misconceptions and prejudices about surgical treatment. In addition, few studies have reported the outcome of surgeries for plantar hyperhidrosis. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the outcome (early and late postoperative satisfaction, complication, compensatory hyperhidrosis, recurrence rate, and efficiency) of surgical treatment for plantar hyperhidrosis.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: From August 2014 to October 2015, lumbar sympathetic block (LSB) was performed in 82 patients with plantar hyperhidrosis using clipping method. Limited video-assisted LSB was performed using 5 mm ligamax-clip or 3 mm horizontal-clip after identifying L3-4 sympathetic ganglion through finger-touch and endoscopic vision.
RESULTS: Of the 82 patients, 45 were male and 37 were female. Their mean age was 26.38 years (range, 14-51 years). Mean follow-up time was 6.60 ± 3.56 months. Mean early postoperative satisfaction score was 9.6 on the 10th day postoperative evaluation. At more than 1 month later, the mean late postoperative satisfaction score was 9.2. There was no significant difference in early postoperative satisfaction score between clipping level L3 and L4/5. However, late postoperative satisfaction score was significantly better in the L3 group than that in the L4/5 group. Patient’s age and body mass index did not affect the satisfaction score. However, male patients and patients who had history of hyperhidrosis operation showed higher satisfaction score than others.
CONCLUSION: Limited video-assisted LSB using clip provided good results with minimal complications and low compensatory hidrosis, contrary to the prejudice toward it. Therefore, surgical treatment is recommended for plantar hyperhidrosis.

PMID: 27622702 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]